At present we are not taking on any new
Hypno-Band clients
Current clients will continue as normal
Weight Loss System
Licensed Practitioner in Wolverhampton
The Hypno-Band is the revolutionary new weight loss system designed for those who have a high Body Mass Index. Hypno-Band Licences practitioners in the United Kingdom and all across the world. Hypno-Band clinics can help you lose that excess weight you've been carrying- And keep it off!
The Hypno-Band could be life changing. Just imagine having the results often acheived when you have a surgical gastric band fitted,without having to go through the pain and surgery that accompanies it, and spending thousands of pounds.
How a Virtual Gastric Band Works
Below is a clip from a US news show ABC Action News that explains the idea of a virtual gastric band similar to hypno-Band

Gastric Band surgery is not for everyone. This type of surgery is typically only carried out on patients that have been classified as clinically obese, together with a high Body Mass Index (BMI)
A surgical Gastric Band works by reducing the size of the stomach. This means that you eat smaller portions and still feel full. This Gastric Band operation does make it possible to lose those extra pounds easily. Their are however certain disadvantages to choosing that direction.
Its very costly. The cost of private weight loss Gastric Band surgery can typically be between £4000 and £8000
Imagine if you could reap all the benefits of Gastric Band surgery, but at a fraction of the cost. Well now you can. The Hypno-Band system uses hypnotherapy to convince your sub-conscious mind that you stomach is now smaller. This means you will eat smaller meals and feel full. The Hypno-Band has a continuing effect on your weight loss.
Hypno-Band Sessions last about an hour and start with a comprehensive assessment.
Does it involve surgery?
N0! The technique is to use hypnotherapy to change your behaviour and ways of thinking around food
Does it hurt?
N0! in fact the opposite is true. Hypno-Band is non-invasive. Treatment involves you being in very relaxaed state.
Any side effects?
No. There are no side effects assosiated with this treatment

So it's safe?
Yes this weight loss system is perfectly safe
Will the hypnotherapist control my mind?
Not at all. Hypnotherapists cannot make you do anything you do not want to do. They also cannot make you behave in a way that you do not want to.
Can I wear contact lenses?
I highly recommend that you do not wear contact lenses during any hypnotherapy session. That includes Hypno-Band
I have been clinically diagnosed as depressed, am i eligible?
We do not treat clients who have been diagnosed as clinically depressed

Will it work for me?
You are the key to your success. Weight loss systems do not work if you are not committed to losing weight. If you are serious about losing the weight and are prepared to change both you life-style and eating habits the your chances of success are very good.
How long does it take?

The whole process takes about 5 hours. The first session takes upto 2 hours. The further 3 sessions will take about an hour each. The first 3 session will be weekly with a three week gap between sessions 3 and 4. There is some flexibility if certain weeks are not convenient.
How long does it take?

What does it cost?
The consultation and the following 4 treatments comes to £280. This includes all the paperwork links to recordings of my voice to help support you between sessions. If you'd prefer a CD these can be supplied on request. The £280 is payable at the first session.
Weight-loss combining Hypnotherapy and Acupuncture
We also provide a weight loss protocol that combines hypnotherapy and acupuncture. We use all the methods we use for Hypno-Band with the addition of a proven addiction acupuncture protocol called NADA.
The hypno-band helps your sub-conscious mind to control the way you think about food.
The NADA protocol ear acupuncture helps you deal with your addiction to certain types of food.
Patrick is fully qualified and insured and will provide both therapies simultaneously.