a couple of soldiers standing next to each other
a couple of soldiers standing next to each other

After the tragic events of 9/11, Colonel Richard C. Niemtzow MD, PhD, MPH was inspired to develop a more efficient and rapid form of pain relief. Through his research on auriculotherapy, a form of acupuncture that focuses on the ear, he discovered that it could be used to stop pain. This led to the birth of battlefield acupuncture, a term coined by Colonel Niemtzow. The technique has shown amazing results and has become a valuable tool for providing pain relief in a variety of settings. The impact of the world trade center attack led to an innovation in medical treatment that continues to benefit countless individuals in need of pain relief.

Battlefield Acupuncture

man in brown and black camouflage uniform holding rifle
man in brown and black camouflage uniform holding rifle
grayscale photography of army
grayscale photography of army
man in white button up shirt holding black tablet computer
man in white button up shirt holding black tablet computer

Battlefield acupuncture is a type of auricular therapy, in that it works by causing effects to the body by stimulation of the ears. As to why this works, theories abound, but what you need to realise is that the evidence clearly backs the fact that it does work, and therefore will work for you. Before I get started with this guide in earnest, I need to explain something to you. This is not just another guide that you can read and forget. If you have a chronic pain or a serious pain related issue, what you are going to learn in this guide could be a life changer for you. And let’s face it, if you are reading this guide, you or a friend or relative probably does have a serious problem. Having a persistent pain or pain related issue can absolutely destroy a person’s quality of life, and the absolute worst reason for not fixing the problem

What is it good for....

Battlefield acupuncture has multiple uses. Although this treatment was developed while working on soldiers it can obviously be used on most people. It works on all types of pain. It has been found to be beneficial to sufferers of osteoarthritis. This condition requires that you keep moving to stop joints from seizing up. Battlefield acupuncture helps relieve the pain while moving so that you can move through a range of movement and helps you keep your mobility

Battlefield acupuncture can be particularly effective in treating strains and sprains. With less pain these conditions can be worked through enabling faster healing. Battlefield acupuncture is also good at treating migraines. this debilitating condition can leave people bed ridden. Battlefield acupuncture reduces and sometimes eliminates the pain to make it a much more manageable condition

Battlefield acupuncture also treats many other chronic and acute pains. Please use the contact form below to book an appointment

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